How Human Design Guides Me To Alignment In My Business


You can find hundreds of generic and broad posts about Human Design (yes, even my own), that help you learn more about yourself and your business.

There are so many layers to your chart—and to YOU–that picking apart your design and trying to build your business in alignment with all the little pieces will never really give you that juicy wholeness you’re looking for.

When you learn about Human Design, the next step is to go past learning and thinking about it to actually embodying it.

When you embody your design: You live it. Breathe it. Be it.

You’ll gain awareness of when you’re misaligned with who you’re here to be and the potential you’re here to fulfil.

Now, that’s where you’ll start to step into the juicy wholeness you’re looking for.

Here are some real life examples of the knowledge I’ve learned about Human Design and how I embody it in my business.

As you learn more about your chart, let your wheels start turning about what this could all mean for you.

As a Manifestor…

I prioritize creating more space in my schedule for new creative urges to flow through.

Before starting anything new, I observe the idea and ensure it’s completely original (and it didn’t come from pressure to do something–just anything–new).

I hire help in both my personal life and business, before I think I’m ready. That way, I can prioritize my rest, stay in my zone of genius, and learn how to receive support.

I’ve learned how to set boundaries around my time and energy, and communicate them (inform) effectively.

I inform my coaches, contractors, and team that I don’t respond well to being told what to do, and I give examples of how to communicate with me.

With Emotional Authority…

I prioritize connecting with my emotions daily, giving myself space to feel and process them. Then, release the need to intellectualize or attach to them.

I am careful not to commit to things unless I am calm and clear that they are correct for me (I say no to a lot more than I used to).

I’m learning how to clearly inform people around me about how I’m feeling and what I need. Plus, I am learning how to communicate these needs and how to support me to those closest to me.

I have cultivated practices that help me move through my emotional waves when I need to show up for my business/clients… and I’ve learned to give myself way more time and space in my schedule to honor and follow my moods.

As a 1/3 Profile…

I’m always learning! I’m deepening my knowledge in my expertise and allowing myself to explore new topics for fun and to expand my skill set.

Every single day, I work on my imposter syndrome by tapping, journaling, and leaning on my coaches & mentors.

I am quick to take action. When I feel the urge, I move. I worry less each day about how it will turn out because I understand that perfection is a myth.

I lean into my “in the trenches” leadership style. I share honestly as I’m going through things and use a lot of personal experience when teaching/coaching.

I’m learning to be okay with not knowing everything. I’m learning how to learn from my peers without feeling inferior.

With an Undefined Root Center…

I spend time learning how to cope with stress in healthy ways, and unlearning the toxic coping strategies I used to lean on.

I try not to set strict deadlines. When I do set deadlines, I schedule tasks long before they *actually* need to be completed, and I give myself grace if I need to push the deadline out.

I set specific times in my schedule for checking email, Voxer, etc. I inform everyone involved when those times are, and I resist the urge to compulsively check outside of those times.

I am always looking for more ways to build out systems and automations so that I can take more tasks off my plate and expand my capacity to hold more of what I actually desire.

With Shores Environment…

I chose a room with lots of windows, doors, and skylights for my office.

I have lived either on an island and/or within the view of water for the past 10 years.

I live on the edge of downtown, the beach, suburbia, and several major cities.

I welcome mystery, variety, and transformation into my business: through the clients I work with, the modalities I use, the offers I create, and the containers I facilitate.

When I feel scared, small, or less-than: I embody the energy of an alter ego. I find it thrilling to become a character and ‘act as if’.

I paint a picture for my clients and community of what is not only possible for them, but inevitable, if they learn to trust themselves.

I’ve avoided allowing myself to be overtaken by fear about the current state of the world, and instead work on becoming what I wish to see within the entirety of the Universe.

I’m not problem-oriented or solution-oriented. I take an aspirational approach: How would embodying your essence eliminate this problem so that you don’t need to worry about solving it?

I deliver breakthroughs by pointing out subtle–but game changing–blindspots.

With 3 Left Variables…

I take a feelings-first approach to goal setting, but get specific when planning actions to take.

I’ve done a lot of healing work around my wounded masculine by becoming less rigid and learning how to feel safe in my feminine energy.

I cultivate supportive and consistent routines for myself and my family, while leaving space for flow and spontaneity.

I connect with my energy and internal rhythms, as well as the rhythms of nature and the cosmos. I allow it all to inform how I plan in my business.

I do not skip meals! I schedule in mealtimes or I always have healthy, nourishing snacks on hand.

Start learning about how to go with your own flow and prioritize your alignment in your life and business by going Under the Surface.

Explore your Human Design chart by grabbing your Deep Dive with a video to explore, affirmations, tapping, and a meditation specifically for your Type.