Embodied By Design™️ Expansion


The coaching industry is changing… and if you’ve landed here, I know you feel it too.

Those of us at the forefront of this evolution already know that blanket advice, “proven” formulas, and cookie-cutter strategies are over. The clients who treat every client the same, who claim their way is the only way, it’s over.

People are waking up to their power, and they’re choosing to work with mentors who can guide them to find their own way to achieve their desired results in their business.

In my certification program, Embodied By Design™, you’ll learn what Human Design will do for you and your clients, in a completely personal, customized approach that makes you feel seen, heard, and validated in ways you’ve never felt before.

Joining me today to tell you a bit more about their experiences with apply Human Design to their business, are two of my students Caitlin Grant and Janice May!

Caitlin Grant (5/1 Generator) is a somatic life coach who specializes in breath work, nervous system regulation, and as a past graduate from Spring 2022 cohort of Embodied By Design™, Human Design.

Initially, Caitlin and I started working together privately. After one session together, she ended up joining us, and we’ve become great friends as well!

Listen below or keep reading to hear all about Cait’s experience in the program, and maybe you’ll be able to see yourself in her and gain some of the wisdom she has to share with us today:

Thanks for joining us on Under The Surface, Caitlin. What do you do in the world as far as your work? And why did you want to join Embodied By Design™?

“I am a somatic life coach…I call myself different things, but yeah, somatics and breathwork is my main jam. My first love.

So, I work with clients typically in a 1:1 capacity. I do run some group stuff, but working with them through understanding their nervous system, their blocks, and different ways that their different wired patterns and energetics keeps them from living their life and embodied Self.

So, it actually says Embodied By Design, the name alone was something that I was pulled to. Cause I was like, ‘Oh, embodiment. That's what I do with all my clients.’

Without telling the whole insane story of it, so there was a whole domino effect of things in my life that led me to you. Which is where I decided to do a 1:1 session with you when I did your intensive: the Alignment Intensive. And in that call, I just felt so at ease with you. I loved the way that you used Human Design to guide me.

Cause I had a few readings done in the past by people that were kind of more just Human design readers. I guess if that's what they would call themselves. I didn't feel as lit up by it. And honestly, that 1:1 call with you, and just how you made my design come alive. I saw myself in it, and I saw honestly, like more of my magic in it, rather than seeing the limitations in it.

And it was so expansive for me.

I was like, okay…I was already intrigued by EBD. But, after our call together, I was like, I'm in. I have to do this. I need to be able to incorporate this with my clients. Cause it was so powerful.”

I am so glad you had that experience, Caitlin. Just like you said, when we met 1:1 at the end of 2021, you were just kind of building momentum in your business. You were still in the building stage, and you were also getting ready to go on maternity leave.

Was there any part of you that felt really afraid to make that investment? Not just financially, but also with your time and your energy?

“Yeah, I was super scared. Honestly, one of the main reasons being the fact that I knew I was having a baby, like a month and a half or a month-ish before the program started.

And I'm one of those people that when I do a program, I really need to be doing it live…especially something that was as long as this. You know, four months.

I knew enough about Human Design to know that there's such a depth of information here, and I wanted to be able to fully take advantage of that, of you, of the live calls.

So, I definitely was nervous about that and it's the most money that I've invested in a certification program and I've done a handful of them. I was on the fence for sure, but there it was, my sacral YES.

Learning so much about how to trust my body even more deeply, which is so ironic because that's literally a hundred percent of what I do with my own clients is helping them to tune into their bodies and trust it.

You supported me in that same medicine for myself…

There was more magic in this that I just had to offer to the world. And so, yeah, it was really scary, but I'm glad that I said yes. And being able to, you know, be in a payment plan, made that also more accessible for me.”

So now, months after completing the program, if you were to talk to that version of yourself from that space of feeling the fear and not being sure if this was going to be worth it… if you could go back, what would you say to help guide that younger you?

“I would tell her exactly what well, kind of exactly what I did [and what] I would say: What do you feel in your gut? What do you feel in your body?

Just trust that. Trust that this calling, and this thing that is pulling to you, is pulling to you for a reason. Trust the desire that is in your heart that has been here for years. Trust that that exists for a reason, and also lean into the invitation and know.

Like, I mean, there was such a mystery too, of knowing enough about Human Design to like, get me in trouble so to say, but not enough to really know how I was gonna incorporate it into my business. [That] was another thing that was scary for me.

Cause I was like, ‘alright, I know there's something here, but I don't really know what it is.’ Cause I don't know what I don't know. And so, I would also say to her: just trust the guidance. Krystal has been doing this for a long time and has a beautiful business that she's built. Like, obviously there is a need for this magic in the world.”

Oh, I love that. I can definitely relate to that feeling of fear, but knowing that I’m taking this leap because of where I want it to take me. But… what if it doesn’t take me there? It’s really scary. So, I love that you were able to actually honor your YES. That’s so beautiful.

You also mentioned taking other training certifications and programs as well. Would you say this program was similar to those or unique in some ways? Was your experience different?

“Majority of the longer certification programs that I've taken have been very somatic based, very like, body tools, nervous systems, support tools. But, what I really loved about this course was that it had so many different ways for me to connect with the information.

So, we obviously had our live calls, which we were going through the material. You had such amazing videos with visuals or audio. And I took advantage of all of it to kind of see what would work best. And being a new mom, it was really amazing because there's days where I didn't–I couldn't–just sit in front of my computer.

So, because I'm trying to walk around to get my baby to sleep or something, I would just pop in my headphones and like, listen to the audio recordings. I would download them onto my phone. And so I would say that was definitely the biggest difference was that there were so many ways for me to really take the information in.

Whereas most of the programs that I've taken were–there'd be like a video that you could watch the replays and then maybe practicing. And that was kind of it. And so, to not have to just stare at a recording was really helpful. It felt really good and also it fit into my life better too.”

Love to hear that you loved all the different ways we make Embodied By Design™ accessible.

Now that you’ve actually completed the program, what’s your confidence level now? Cause I know before, it was sort of like you felt like you knew enough to get you into trouble, but not enough to do anything with it. How do you feel now after completing it, and being four months out of the program?

“I feel fairly confident now. I would say on a level of like 1-10, I'm probably at like, [a] 7.5-8.

And honestly, I think the thing is that I know more than I think I do. So, it almost is the point where I'm learning now how to kind of pair down my information because it's so easy for me to just be like, ‘blah, blah, blah, blah…’ and just sort of vomit all over somebody. Because I'm such a nerd about it now.

Yeah, I feel really confident in it. And it's been really, really amazing holding sessions with clients. Like even when I was doing some of the practice sessions, just to start to learn what my own style was in reading a chart, and being able to have those conversations, and people get really lit up and feel really seen and feel so validated.”

Have you noticed a difference from before when you were working with clients, to now, that you’re incorporating more of Human Design in your work? Have you noticed how maybe the energy has changed? Or the work or methods that you use, are helping your clients with the results they’re getting?

“Yeah, I have. I've noticed a big difference and I'm still kind of playing with exactly how I'm incorporating Human Design in with somatic healing.

But, even just having clients give me their birth information so I can look at their chart before I connect with them has been really amazing!

It definitely alters the way that I even guide them into their body. Because depending on, you know, what their authority center is, it's really, it's easy for me. And I'm even recognizing this, like, as a Generator, to be like, ‘okay, listen to your gut,’ thinking that everybody has a response in their body in the same way that I do.

So, even that awareness alone has been so amazing because I can look back at sessions previously and be like, ‘Well, that's why they looked at me like I had three eyes because like they don't have a sacral connection.’

It really has helped me to feel like I have like this secret cheat sheet before we even get together to be able to guide them more efficiently.

Then with clients that we are discussing their design…it's sort of like this shortcut. I hate to use that word, because I don't wanna demean or diminish the transformational power of Human Design, but it really is this amazing way of like what we typically would take 3-4 sessions to get to the root of.

We can see in an hour now and talking about like, well, here's where some of the conditioning is. Here's some of the shadows that…just reoccur in your life and their like connections are made and awareness is created so much quicker.”

YES. YES. YES. I say that all the time, that I eliminate like three sessions!

So, of everything that is inside Embodied By Design™, you know, you had pre-recorded lessons, office hours with me, a workbook with all the quizzes, tapping and meditations, the journal prompts, and all these different levels of support. Which was your favorite? 

“I loved all of the embodiment work and that was something that I didn't always follow it in the order when I was going through the material, but even now, I go back and revisit it. Especially as things are really sinking in and integrating in my own awareness.'

I have found such a new level of love for tapping. It's something that I have a certification in, I've used in the past, but never really felt very lit up by it. And through experiencing it in your container, it was just so it was different. It was much more accessible..

You are like a bomb visualization guide. Holy cow. My inner vision cognition is very appreciative of your guidance skills.

And then of course, I loved the Voxer because being able to respond and connect in real time is something that is really valuable for me. I can be sort of a slow processor. And so, being able to just have another way to like dissect the information, even by hearing other people's questions and hearing them talk about their experiences and practicing, that was my favorite for sure.”

Voxer is a popular one for the level of support that people love from Embodied By Design™!

Well, thank you so much Cait, for giving us your experience.

If you’re interested in Caitlin’s work you can find her website here to learn more about her powerful work and her podcast In Body We Trust, and follow Caitlin on Instagram here

Now, let’s meet another student of mine who’s been through the Embodied By Design™ Certification Program.

Janice May (6/2 emotional projector) is a mind and body specialist who has had her life and business shaped by her experience in the Embodied By Design™ Certification Program.

“I am still speechless at how life changing the past 5 months have been. So much has transformed for me, in self, life and in my vision.”

Listen below or keep reading to hear all about Janice’s experience in the program:

Thanks for joining us on Under The Surface, Janice! I’m so excited to talk to you today, even though we were already just talking for the last 20 minutes. How did you find Human Design? What brought you to it?

“I'm so grateful to be sharing the power of Human Design with you today.

Human design came to me a couple of years ago through–actually a mentor of mine who I was working with, who you actually know, Nicole. She was actually also studying with Kip at that time. And I was in a container with her doing a lot of embodiment work and breathwork. And she introduced me to Human Design and I myself at the time was a yoga and embodiment mentor.

…Self-awareness is such a big thing that's talked about in the coaching industry. It's so much talked about in the creative industry. Everyone in leadership talks about it, but I've always had this deeper, knowing that there's not one way for everyone. Like, especially with my work, I'm like, I can say something that's not going to resonate with everyone.

When I was introduced to Human Design, it was just like this bridge, this gap of, I know…it just accelerated a lot of growth for me, as I became so much more aware of my strengths, my opportunities inside everything. So for me, that's how I was introduced to it.

I really just allowed myself to sort of test and be curious around it. And then, it eventually led me to you.”

You found Human Design and you knew.

Which, I can relate too and a lot of people can relate to that deep resonance with it. You just know that you need to learn more about this.

“I’m a 6/2 emotional Projector…I moved to Sydney the week of lockdown 2021, and I knew I was just being led here and I’d never really understood like I’ve always just had these energetic pulls in life.

I now know that, knowing my human design, like why. But I just had this energetic pull. And when I moved here the week of lockdown, I thought, ‘Wow, I been put here for a reason, I'm going to use this time to really deepen and extend my studies around embodiment work.’

I had already done so much within the body with doing my yoga and I had enrolled into a body counseling course and all these things. I kept having this need to be able to logically explain the work that I do with people as well. And just something kept saying: Human Design.

I actually wasn't that absorbed in Human Design, I was just playing around a little bit with my strategy and authority and just playing with it. It had changed my life.

So, I messaged Nicole because she still is a mentor of mine. And…like Human Design just keeps talking to me each morning in my meditation, like, do you know anyone? I'd be so curious. Okay. Just with that. She goes straight away. She was like: Krystal, and she just sent me a page. I didn't even hesitate.

I looked at you, I looked at everything that you did. Everything just resonated straight away with me. And being an emotional Projector…usually I let things ride through my emotional wave, which is so important to do. But for this, it was like everything just felt good. It wasn't a high, it wasn't a low, it just, it felt so right.

I put in an application form. I remember crying. I was crying so much at just the questions that you answered and you just really pulled it out of me. And I was like, yeah, this is why I'm here.

This is going to be such a beautiful tool for moving into Sydney where I can really be having a different impact from what I've done in the past with different caliber of people.

So yes, massive shifts since I've started working with you. And I'm so grateful.”

I remember reading your application and thinking to myself: Oh yes, exactly what I want for this container.

As far as the actual program, like the structure and what you learned, what aspects did you feel were supportive for what you were learning?

“Definitely the whole theme of embodiment is so big for me. Cause I feel like we're very much a society that loves absorbing information. We love taking it all. Tasting it. But, it never truly lands until we allow ourselves to really integrate it and then embody it into our body and then integrate it into our lives.

So for me, having the structure of your course, how you had progressed with it, it gave…such an order that everything came together.

I just remember each week having like lightbulb: ‘Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh.’

I loved that it was weekly because it kept me accountable, for starters, and having the one hour containers with you weekly was so powerful for me to be able to just really bring everything that I was because I've gone through so much change in this past six months and you'd be beside me.

So you really feed a mentor in so many aspects for me, not just through my Human Design and my business and being able to have had that support each month, but then the one-on-one Voxer chats…because when you start becoming more–sometimes it can be confronting learning your Human Design.

What's been so important for me is to really embody it for myself first. And I've been playing around with people close to me. But, before taking it into my work, it was so important for me to understand my Human Design, see how it's developed my life…

The time and the space that you allowed for your program was just perfect for me and allowed me to really create space to go through all the emotions, go through the feels, but as well, implement.”

Yes, there are those confronting moments. It’s kind of inevitable that things are going to change for you at a cellular level. That happens inside the container and sometimes it happens afterwards. But for you, personally, I saw it happened within it.

Can you speak to some of those shifts that happened for you when you were learning about Human Design? How were those moments the catalyst for you to make some shifts in your business and personally?

“Huge learning. Learning just strategy and authority for me was massive.

Being, not only a 6/2 profile, I really found Human Design on that cusp. I'm 31. So I've got that…it's been a breath of fresh air for me to really just take the pressure off and just understand why I've led life the way I have.

Like the defined channels that I have, the energy that I hold, as well, the knowing how much emotional charge I had running through my chart.

I feel this relieve of pressure on myself and also just so much self-acceptance knowing how unique my chart is, knowing how unique I am as a person.

What I love most about the way that you teach, Krystal, is like every chart is different and it is unique in so many people.


We love labels as a society. Studying Human Design with you has been so profound in my life because I feel that we can hear people constantly saying, ‘I am a Manifesting Generator,’ ‘I'm a Projector.’ 

It's just a label that they can then identify themselves with.

But it's allowed me to really understand how much potential I have in myself. So with that, I've been able to build so much more trust, just knowing who I am, and just understanding my patterns more, understanding where I have been leaning so much into the conditioning around me and all of that.

It's just really eased so much pressure on me, so much pressure on my life.

It's been able to empower me to make bold moves as well. Knowing how much trust I have. You witnessed that I've literally made these really big, bold moves in my life in times where people are like, ‘What are you doing? Why are you doing it?’ I'm like, I've got myself. I know. I feel it. It all feels fine. I know where I'm going. I know what I'm capable of. I know what I'm currently working on because of, you know, the conditioning I've had from around me.

I've been able to heal, like we're constantly healing, but I've been able to heal so much more.

Now, as I'm moving to Sydney, and launching myself as a Mind and Body Specialist, I feel like human design is the glue for everything that I've been seeing and feeling into. 

I can just envision it. Human Design is my glue that's just bringing it all together.

I know it's just going to hold so much power and in the delivery of my work now, and also allow me to lead so powerfully for myself.”

You really have. You have made bold moves. I felt them coming and was wondering every time, like ‘Is she going to do it?’ And you did: Every. Single. Time.

All I could think was, ‘You go with your bad self!’ Like, you knew and you trusted. That was amazing for me to watch. The surrender was so evident.

I also love that you said Human Design is the glue because you know all these things that I do with my work and Human Design is the heat that melts it all together. I’m hot determination, so of course it is. It brings it all together. 

So, even during Embodied By Design™, you were doing two other certifications, right?

“I was doing a business management course, as well as finishing my certificate of embodied counselling.

Just even being in, and having mentors in those spaces, I was just witnessing how much Human Design could impact that space. Like, it doesn't matter what industry you're in and it doesn't matter what profession you hold, we're all leaders in life.

And for me, like my whole vision is to really guide people to reconnect and lead from their true, authentic expression, because it's when we lead for ourselves, we lead for the whole. We can only lead powerfully as a mother, as a father, as a manager, as anyone, doesn't matter what field is. If we know who we are, and how to lead ourselves first…it's grounded. It’s authentic.

I just feel life has become so much more intentional for me since discovering Human Design…I keep revisiting content and just, I'm hearing it in different ways.

Knowing you as a 1/3 profile and also like the depth that you've provided in your training has just been–I'm so grateful for that.

Also the way that you word it, the way that you give your meditations, all of that has just allowed it to really resonate so much and integrate so much into my life.”

That’s so great to hear!

Was there anything about the program that surprised you, or that you weren’t expecting? 

“How layered it is. How complex it is. But, we're complex beings. So, that made sense.

After being sort of in lockdown…for four months and then sort of enforced isolation. Cause I was still studying so much and still am, but I remember going through this at the end of last year, I was like, ‘have I made the right decision?’

Cause I moved to Sydney and wanted to take my work into corporate. Is this going to be received? Because that was sort of like, I could resubmit it with Human Design, as I was looking at it with how much it's like spirituality meets science.

My vision is just to bring this work in such a new way than what I've done before.

So, I think Human Design has just been fun for me. The surprising part of it was just how layered it is…I can articulate it to really land with anyone. It will resonate with anyone.”

I love that! I want to wrap up and let you go, but is there anything that you would say to someone who’s feeling this pull to join, but is maybe hesitating? Maybe they’ve made investments before and it didn’t pan out the way they wanted them to. What would you say to them?

“It doesn't matter where you're at in life…profession aside, I would choose it all over again, because the way it's allowed me to show up…has been really powerful and empowering.

I have always held so much compassion for humanity, but this has just allowed me to just open my heart, and open my mind so much more as to how I can–how we can just accept each other for our own unique differences.”

That was beautiful! Thank you so much, Janice. I love you. I’m so glad that you’re a part of this and I appreciate your time and energy for joining us today.

It has been such a joy to work with you, I can’t wait to see how you continue to bring this into the world.

If you’re interested in joining us for the next cohort of the Embodied By Design™ Certification Program, tap the image below to find all the details and see if their container is aligned for your next level–your next expansion.

Hope to see your application come through!