4 Signs You’re Disconnected From The Essence and Energy of Your Business


Welcome back to Under the Surface! This blogpost is for all of you spiritually-gifted, purpose-driven entrepreneurs.

I see you out here trying to build a business that feels in complete alignment with your energy and your soul. One that also impacts lots of lives and allows you the lifestyle you want and deserve.

I also know how hard it can be to separate yourself from your business, and how easy it is to fall into a codependent relationship with your business.

Keep reading for 4 signs that you’re disconnected from the essence and energy of your business.

Listen to it on Apple Podcasts or Spotify now!

A bit of backstory

When you go through intense healing and transformative energy, in the moment, it feels like it’s going so slowly. When really, it happens so rapidly.

I know the moms out there can relate. It’s like the days are so slow, but the years are so fast when you’re raising kids.

When you’re in the thick of it, you just want to scream, “OMG everyone be quiet. Leave me alone. Sleep through the night,” and you just do what you need to to get through this toddler whining stage of whatever. Right?

But whatever the stage is, in the moment, it feels like it’s going so slowly. But then, you look back after a year and you realize how fast it all went by.

It’s like that with healing and transformation.

You’re peeling back more layers of yourself to yourself. But, when you’re in it, it feels like it’s going on forever.

Recently, I’ve been going through a lot of those periods and in the moment it feels like it’s never ending.

Like wow, I’ve been in this for so long. I’m on my emotional wave and eventually I come out of the murkiness with this knowing that I’ve changed so much in such a short period of time. Like so much about how I look at life, relationships, and even more overall mindset has been transforming rapidly. 

When I take a break from posting, or podcasting, it feels like it’s been a long time because time is such a weird concept. But, it all relates to our topic today which is…

Meeting the Essence of Your Business

This is about meeting your business as it is separate from you, but is also divinely interconnected with you.

It’s almost like looking at your business like a soulmate connection. You have this really amazing bond with each other. You are really purpose driven to build a business that is interwoven with your own personal beliefs, mission, passions, and purpose. You want to have a relationship with it that feels like your soulmate.

But, a lot of us end up in relationships with our business that are really codependent instead of interdependent

Speaking for myself and many of the people that I’ve worked with, we have never been in the corporate world before starting a business. Whatever we did before starting a business was not that strategic, high-powered business world that gave us this experience that we are separate from.

You are not your business. You are separate from your business.

You have a role in the business, but you are not the business.

I think when you come from a place of having gifts that you want to share with the world, you realize that can just happen and you can be paid for that. You’re not starting a business, you are selling yourself. You’re selling your skills, your passion, your purpose, and your emotional experience.

We sell these very deep, vulnerable parts of ourselves. So, it’s natural to have this codependent dynamic with your business where a lot of us don’t see ourselves as separate from it. 

It’s natural that I began this codependent relationship with my business because it started as an outlet and grew into so much more than that. Well, not more or less, but it was different. It’s not just an outlet for me anymore.

I keep telling myself that: It’s not me. It’s not just me. It’s not just me. My business is not just me. I am not my business. My business has its own purpose and its own mission and its own ideals and beliefs and desires and ambitions.

My business is growing up on its own.

Personally, I was Energetically Enmeshed

The person who helped me realize this was my business coach and mentor, Sam Garcia (of The Dirty Alchemy), who introduced me to this whole perspective that I was enmeshed with my business. I believed to my core that my business was me.

There was no separation and it leaked over into everything and every part of my life. My business dripped into it.

She recognized this and called me out a little bit. I started following her and saw how she was helping entrepreneurs like us, who are very intuitive and building their businesses in alignment with their souls and purpose… she was helping us see that we are the visionary and the CEO of our business, but our business is separate from us.

I understood this on an intellectual level, but embodying it was something else.

A few months ago, I was going through this period of indecisiveness and felt really paralyzed over not knowing which steps to take next or which offers to create. I was lacking clarity and motivation.

And Sam asked me, “Well, have you connected with the soul of your business?”

Light bulb moment. 💡

This was brilliant. At the moment it just clicked for me.

Ever since then, I have just been playing with this idea. It makes perfect sense and it is so fun to work with my business in this way.

I mean, think about Human Design. If you’re a student or client of mine, you’ve probably heard me say that your definition in your Human Design chart is what you give to the world. So, your gifts are laid out in your defined channels and centers. This is what you give to the world, and they’re not necessarily for you. 

If you have the channel of talent, there’s probably some interest that you have that feels like it burns so deep inside you that you have to do it all the time. Maybe you’re a dancer or an artist and you’re constantly performing or making art. Eventually, you reach this beautiful mastery but, it’s not all for you. We all get to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

It’s like if you have a defined heart center, you give motivation and willpower energy to the world. It’s not just for you. I have my heart center defined and when my clients come to me, I feel like I know exactly where to pull from. I know how to meet them and I know what will help. It feels so effortless to me. But, when it comes to myself, I may not know my ass from my elbow.

When you separate yourself from your business, you can use your gifts, your superpowers, your unique presence to help your business and give it the direction, support, and energy that is required for your business to thrive. You can cultivate a healthy relationship with your business.

It can relate to having a child. You go through a gestation period where you have ideas, a vision, desires, interests, and things are clicking for you. You start expanding the realm of possibility in your mind.

Then you birth your business by taking your business plan and turning it into your website launch, file for your LLC, or sell your first offer. You’re birthing your business, and at first, it’s completely dependent on you because without you, it wouldn’t exist. It’s you and your vision at this point.

Eventually, your business grows and becomes not completely dependent on you. It starts crawling, walking, and wanting to run away from you a bit to get some space and be on its own. It keeps growing, changing, gaining more autonomy, and independence.

But you know that it always, always, always, carries such a huge part of you with it. It’s always intertwined with you. It’s always imprinted by you, and yet it creates a life of its own as well. A life that has its own personality, purpose, desires, ambitions, and goals. Like, your child is all grown up.

You’ll know which stage of development you’re at by how you feel within and towards your business.

It can be hard to be separate from your business, and its easy to fall into that codependent relationship with it. Like, the mother who is always parenting, even after their child is all grown up.

And if you feel like you’re constantly being the parent in your business, then these signs may help you see where you’re enmeshed with your business still…

Sign #1: You’re Indecisive

When you’re super indecisive about where to put your resources and energy in your business, you may be disconnected from your business’ essence.

You may be struggling to figure out which investments to make, which decisions are worth your time, and even how to spend the money you make. You may set aside four hours on Monday to do what needs to be done, but you don’t know what to prioritize or how to spend those hours.

You may not know the way you work best, or which stage of the business strategy you’re at. All together, you’re just very confused about where to put your energy.

If you’re indecisive and unfocussed in those ways, those are indicators to me that you’re disconnected from the essence or the energy of your business as a separate entity from you. Your business is ready for the next stage, and you haven’t recognized it yet or aren’t clear on it yet.

If you don’t even know where you’re at right now, then it’s normal to feel indecisive and unsure. Maybe you need to learn a new skill to transform your energy you put into your business. Or you may need to be doing something that’s a high priority for the future, but not right now, and it’s hard to see it because you’re not clear on exactly where you are and where your business wants to go.

Sign #2: Revenue Plateau

Obviously, this may not be a bad thing to be at a sustainable level in your business.

But, if you’re someone who desires to grow your business consistently, being at a revenue plateau for a while is an indicator that you may be disconnected from the essence and energy of your business.

I know that was me for almost all of 2021. I was very intertwined with my business and I was having a really hard time separating from it. My business was ready for things I couldn’t see because I was too enmeshed with it. 

When I was able to see this clearly for what it was, I was able to release my grip a bit and move towards growing towards my potential.

Sign #3: Poor or Non-existent Boundaries

If you’re not super clear about what you need to be doing, what your priorities are, how you can delegate, and learning how to delegate, this can be a sign that you have poor or non-existent boundaries between you and your business.

It’s important to have those boundaries because if you don’t, your business drips into every area of your life. And it should be the opposite.

Every area of your life should drip into your business. That’s where all of your experience, your stories, your connection points, and emotions come from… it comes from your life. Then, it drips into your business because that’s what makes your business interesting and unique and creative and magical, right?

Instead of your business dripping into every area of your life, and you not being completely present and embodied, ever.

I’ve gone through stages like that too. It feels so shitty. Especially after the fact, when you’re looking back at your life and realizing it all. 

Listen, it’s okay.

If you’re really relating to these, then it’s all good. I think it’s natural for all of us to go through these periods. If you’re ready to connect back to the essence of your business, tap here to see a gift I made for you!

It’s okay to be disconnected. Just be aware of it and decide to shift your energy. 

Sign #4: Blaming Yourself For Your Business Results 

Lastly, when you start looking at what happens in your business as a direct result of you, you are completely enmeshed with your business and therefore disconnected from its essence and its energy as separate from you.

Stop looking at your mindset, your energy, how you’re feeling, or how healed you are as a direct result of how your business is doing. 

You are separate from your business.

Your business has an energy of its own and its own essence. It has a personality of its own.

You get to have a bad day and still do good shit. I mean, I’ve been going through some shit and can still take the time to clear my energy and focus on what I need to focus on so that I can show up for my client in the best way possible.

Sometimes it’s just like that. You gotta just do it. It’s part of your job and what you’re being paid to do. You have to be able to separate yourself from it a bit.

When you sell something and tell yourself you can only show up super high vibe, you’re enmeshing what you’re doing, with the results you’ll get. But sometimes, in  a launch, you have to realize shit has to get done regardless of how you’re feeling or if you have a shitty day. Like, you’ve got to do it.

For example, maybe you had a scheduled live and you really don’t feel high vibe enough to do it. Well, challenge that belief.

Maybe you’re embodying the version of yourself who has the most successful launch ever because you’re the person who follows through on your commitments. You do what you can to feel amazing in the moment. But ultimately, you may a decision about whether or not you’re going to follow through on it.

Take the drama out of it.

If every part of your life isn’t going fucking perfectly, it doesn’t mean your business can’t run smoothly at the same time. 

That’s bullshit if you think that, I know that because I’ve lived it. 

Start Connecting With Your Business’ Essence and Energy

It’s very possible that your business has energy that’s very different from yours. So, I’m inviting you to sign up for my new FREEBIE on Connecting with the Essence of Your Business for a really cool visualization and reflection prompts to complete afterwards.

I do this work with my private clients and it’s really powerful because you actually get to see the energy and the essence of your business. It will help you get clearer and see how it relates the essence of your business to the tangible parts of your business.

Do you need to update your product suite? Do you need to work on your backend systems and support? Do you need to hire a team member? Do you need to begin scaling your signature offer?

These are strategic things that go with the energetics, and that is the essence of your business.

I’m giving you the tools to do this for free. Go ahead and download your guided visualization and reflection prompts, and get ready to take this connection deeper.

If these signs spoke to you, take a screenshot of this blog post, share it to your stories on Instagram or send this link to a friend. I appreciate you for being here and reading this far! 

My wish for you is that you do this work. Let me know if it’s helpful for you. Share it.

I hope you have a beautiful week and I will talk to you again soon.

Love you😘😘