2023 Mood


Hello everyone and welcome back to the podcast! I hope you’ve had the most beautiful start to the New Year, and your holidays were low in drama, high in joy.

I also hope you’re feeling really amped up for 2023. I know I have been. I’m riding this mountain goat energy of Capricorn season and it has felt so good.

2022 was just–oh my gosh–maybe one of the hardest years of my life. So feeling this focused, clear, confident, and determined, it feels really good. It’s like a breath of fresh air. I’m hoping someone else reading this (whenever in space and time that you are) is feeling this too.

P.s. If you prefer to listen, you can do so on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or tap play below.

It’s been funny because I’ve taken a break from social media over the past couple of weeks and I don’t miss it at all. I feel bored there, to be honest. So, you know, there are going to be huge changes coming this year in that area and I’m excited to share more as things start to solidify.

But first, I want to share with you some big realizations that I’ve had. 

F*ck New Years Resolutions

In 2022, I started my podcast called Under The Surface (you may have been following the blog posts that stem from that). As of this moment right now, we’ve had 2888 streams (hello angel numbers) and have officially put out 20 episodes.

I like showing up like this. I love this platform of podcasting.

I’m a Manifestor with the freak to genius channel. I love to just get on and talk when the mood strikes. The 12-22 channel makes it feel really good to just turn on my mic and start sharing. It feels really good for me and my energy to feel my impact in this way.

And as a Manifestor, that’s a core need of ours… to feel that impact.

But as far as Instagram goes, I feel things shifting–and I bet you do too. One of the things that has been a little annoying for me, is seeing all of those 2023 posts about goals, words for the year, and the resolutions of what you’re leaving behind.

There are years where that shit resonates with me and I love it, and this isn’t one of those years. Maybe you feel the same way, maybe you don’t. Even though I’m not resonating with the yearly goals, I still feel focused and determined. I just don’t feel the need to set these lofty resolutions.

With that being said, I have an undefined G center. One major life lesson that I’m hear to learn is who I am. I’m here to learn who I am at my core, underneath everything. That essence of me, I’m discovering that more every day.

It has been beautiful.

My 2023 Mood

The mood for me in 2023 and moving forward is ME FIRST. I think this is one of those things that will remain steadfast for a very long time. 

On one hand, it sounds like my individual circuitry shining through. But, when you really think about putting yourself first, it’s not always actually about you. Part of putting yourself first is sometimes putting others first. Ultimately, putting yourself first is like saying, ‘Hey, you know what? I know who I really am. I know what I want, and I know that I am committed to the things that I really want in my life.’

For example, sometimes in your relationships, you are going to put the other person first. It’s not because you’re a people pleaser or that you have no boundaries.

Sometimes, you put the other person first because you really just love them. You love being in a relationship with them and that sometimes means compromising. Being in a relationship means doing something for someone because you want to, even if you don’t actually want to in the moment, you know that it will make that person happy.

To me, when I’m doing that, I am putting myself first. I am putting myself first by putting my relationships at the top of my priority list.

Another example is with our children. Sometimes, we just have to sit on the floor and play with our children, even if we’re tired. Right?

Even if we don’t have that defined sacral energy. Even if we worked all day and we’re exhausted. Sometimes, putting yourself first is putting your kids first and saying ‘Yeah, I’ll play with you for 30 minutes on the floor.’

Focusing on Clear Priorities

It’s the same thing in your business too. Putting yourself first could be saying, ‘I want to live a life of freedom, where I get to make a living from my art, my joy, my deepest sense of purpose, my creativity, my emotions, my hobbies, my passion. I get to make a living just by being myself.’

Doing what it takes to build a business can give me that freedom. Sometimes, it requires me to do some things that I don’t feel like doing.

For instance, yes, I want to be able to act only on my urges as a Manifestor. That sounds great. In some ways, I do that, because I know I’m not creating something new unless it’s coming from an urge.

However, there’s a lot of other stuff that goes into building the business, the brand, and the legacy that I desire to create.

I deeply trust that I am meant to experience, to do, to be, and to have all that I desire to experience, do, be, and have. I trust that. I don’t need to explain that to anyone. I want it, so I’m going to do what it takes to have it. That’s it. I’m going to do what it takes to be that person.

Sometimes, that means that every moment of my week is accounted for. This week, for instance, every moment is accounted for.

That means that I have to be really, really, really clear on my priorities and have the systems, processes, and team in place to support me. I need to have all the pieces in my personal life in place too. My schedule needs to support these priorities.

If you look at my calendar, every minute is accounted for. Even my full moon ritual that I did on Friday night, I scheduled that shit in. 

I also know that while every moment is accounted for, every minute cannot be me running around or working. I’m balance a lot right now, and this is a season where I’m going, going, going. It’s okay.

I’m okay with that.

Even though, you know, Susie Human Design will tell you that I’m operating in a way that’s not aligned for me as a Manifestor. I know what’s aligned for me! I don’t need anybody else to tell me what is aligned for me and for what I desire right now. What I desire right now is to be focused and do the things that it takes for me to manifest what I am manifesting. 

I spent the majority of 2022 doing nothing. Not nothing. But like, really deep rest. Learning how to actually rest and not pretend to rest. Real rest.

I read over 50 books in 2022, after not completing a book for probably 3-4 years. I would start them and not finish them. And last year I finished over 50. I laid around a lot, and I napped a lot. I chilled, went in, and healed a lot. I made a lot of really big life decisions.

That was the 2022 season, and now I’m in a different season and trusting that. I’m surrendering to that regardless of what anybody else thinks I should be doing.

That is what I mean by putting me first. It’s not to say that I don’t care about anybody else. Quite the opposite, because when I put me first, when I thrive, when I’m healthy and clear and at peace, everybody thrives.

Everybody thrives around me. My children thrive, my relationships thrive, my business thrives, my team thrives, everyone does. I want them to, so I’m clear and focused, and prioritizing so that I can put me first, in order for everybody around me to thrive as well. 

Putting yourself first means putting your desires first, and sometimes putting your desires first means putting other people first, or your business first. I know this sounds repetitive, but this is one of the moments where I’m not sure if the freak or the genius is out to play.

If you don’t understand that joke, you may not be a Human Design nerd… and that’s okay!

If you’re not a Human Design nerd, you need to stick with me, and you need to get on the Embodied By Design® waitlist so that you can join us for the next cohort, because you’ll be able to understand why these jokes are funny (okay, and implement Human Design into your work to breakout in your industry).

Embody What Feels Right For You

I know there are some of you who are not resonating with the resolutions and declarations and hype of the New Year. Instead, you’re feeling called to just put your head down and make your moves in silence.

You want to embody the life mood that will support you in living the life, having the relationships, and building the business that you were meant for–that you dream of.

The mood is ME FIRST.

Okay? It’s me first. You first.

Who are you? What do you want and are you willing to prioritize what it will take to get that?

If you can figure all of that out, everything will work itself out. Knowing where to focus your energy will be so much easier and you will be able to know exactly where to focus your energy. You’ll know what you want and you’re not going to put your energy towards anything else.

I’m really excited for this year and to connect with you in new ways. On deeper levels.

So if you’re here for that, take a screenshot of this blog post, post it to your Instagram stories, and tag me @krystalewoods. Tell me how ready you fucking are for 2023 and if you’re here for the mood of ME FIRST.

In the spirit of connecting with you in new ways, and on deeper levels, I’m excited to announce that we now have a text community.

Text “Hi” to 833-529-2760 to join us for insights, transit updates, and more–from yours truly.

Okay, I love you! Thank you so much for being here–I appreciate you so much.